March 2016
The Convenor, Lorraine, welcomed her new committee, saying that it was great to have a mix of new and longer serving members working together.
The committee has planned and organised an interesting and diverse program for 2016 with lots of activities including:
- workshops,
- showcasing members,
- block of the month designed by Karen Matthews,
- quilt exhibition,
- sit and sew,
- guest speakers,
- social dining out
Bronwyn went over the guidelines for the Convenor’s challenge for 2015/16 and invited members to share their projects.
Bronwyn shared her memory quilt and told the story of her visit to Tasmania and how her quilt evolved following the publication of a similar idea by Jenny Bowker some time ago. She also shared her butterfly quilt which has morphed over time into various projects. Bronwyn promises that this will be the last time she cuts it up and redesigns it.
Judy then shared her family holiday in Japan memories and the quilt that evolved from this journey.
Rosemary told a touching story of three generations of needlewomen in her family and the tribute she has created for her mother and grandmother.
Anne presented us with Uncle Philip’s memorial wall hanging, another exquisite project from Anne and a very touching memorial.
Sue brought home some lovely fabric squares from South America that she incorporated into her bright & happy memory quilt.
Lorraine shared her “work in progress” of a beautiful wall hanging that incorporates pieces from her and her daughter’s wedding dresses, with lace & beads from her mother’s stash, and crystals from Margaret.
We will have a small display of these quilts at the Cherrybrook Quilters exhibition in August.
Show & Tell
Anne showed a half square triangle sampler/charm quilt.
5 months to go till the Cherrybrook Quilters Exhibition, so get those busy fingers working and those sewing machines humming!